Celebrate Earth Day by supporting the Livingston Avenue Bridge Walkway cause

Happy Earth Day, everyone! To celebrate, here are a few of my favorite photos of the Livingston Avenue Bridge!

What better way to take part in the Earth Day celebrations, even if you’re doing so from your desk or couch, than supporting our cause by  checking off the 7 simple “Take Action” steps we’ve created to promote the restoration of the Livingston Avenue Bridge Walkway across a new or rebuilt bridge? I knew I could count on you!

Now, enjoy these gorgeous photos.

Looking East (photo courtesy of Bennett Campbell)

Looking East (photo courtesy of Bennett Campbell)

Reflection (photo courtesy of Mario Burger)

Reflection (photo courtesy of Mario Burger)

South side of the Brigde

The walkway today

The walkway today

West Side approach (photo courtesy of Dan Curtis)

West Side approach (photo courtesy of Dan Curtis)

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