Monthly Archives: June 2014

Anticipated waterfront improvements require solid connections

We’ve been busy, albeit we haven’t been posting much so forgive us. There’s so much energy directed to attract development and enhance community connections to the Hudson River Waterfront it’s hard to keep up! The Corning Preserve, at the base of the Livingston Ave. Bridge’s west side, is a 15-acre multi-use waterfront in Downtown Albany, is an essential piece of the City’s urban…

Improvements at Albany’s waterfront could impact access to the future Livingston Avenue Bridge

How will implementation of bike and pedestrian improvements at the waterfront benefit connections to the Livingston Avenue Bridge? Come find out! To start the implementation of the Corning Preserve Riverfront Master Plan, the City of Albany, in cooperation with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration is developing designs to enhance the connections between the…