Dear Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocate:
There are only two days left until the deadline for public comments on NYSDOT’s High Speed Rail Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement – a plan that will dictate the future of the Livingston Avenue Bridge Walkway. The Livingston Avenue Bridge Coalition has gathered the support of several local, state, and national organizations standing behind restored access to this critical link in the Capital Region’s bike and pedestrian network. We have made great strides, but we can do better. Now that the deadline is looming it’s important that we make this final push for all the additional support we can gather. Please consider joining on to our comment letter and join our coalition. Simply send your logo and contact info to no later than 12pm, April 30. If you have already done so, THANK YOU. We only ask that you encourage others to sign on.
As the deadline for comments looms, our letter to advocates
You can also encourage your membership to support the walkway through a variety of means:
1. Sign our petition.
3. Written comments to NYSDOT should be submitted by April 30, 2014. Feel free to use our talking points as a basis for your letter.
David Chan, Program Manager
Project Manager
High Speed Rail Empire Corridor Program
New York State Department of Transportation
50 Wolf Road
POD #61
Albany, NY 12232
Comments can be submitted electronically on project websites or corridor/contact
4. Let Governor Cuomo know that you support the Livingston Avenue Bridge Walkway or contact us to obtain postcards that you can mail directly to the Governor.5. Write a letter to the editor of your favorite media outlet. Here’s an excellent Op-ed that appeared in the Albany Times Union on Saturday, April 27.Finally, encourage your friends and neighbors to join our effort!We couldn’t do it without you!