The Patroon Creek Greenway Could be a Really, Really Big Deal

First off – attend one of the public meetings happening TODAY for this project: 

OK, now to catch you up – What’s the Patroon Creek Greenway? In a word: GAMECHANGER

From the City of Albany project website:

Patroon“The Patroon Greenway would provide a much needed east-west connection for bicyclists and pedestrians, connecting recent and anticipated projects like the Albany Skyway and Tivoli Lake Preserve with residential development on both sides of the corridor and with major commercial and institutional destinations, like New York State’s Harriman Office Campus, the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, Albany Nanotech, Corporate Woods Office complex, and more.

This study will identify feasible alignments and sources of funding for the engineering and construction of the trail. It will evaluate and analyze the 2004 Patroon Greenway Project’s conceptual alignment, potential easements, and review alternative alignments, including the connection from Tivoli Preserve to the downtown Albany waterfront.”

Imagine this trail as THE east west spine, connecting the Hudson River and the Pine Bush preserve. It would be as popular, if not more, than the Helderberg Hudson Rail Trail. It would be a critical transportation link to goods, services, schools, jobs and parks.

Like many regional trail projects, this one has been in gestation a long, long time – since before 2004!

Patroon Greenway Trail (2004) – three documents:

This project has an enormous, positive potential impact for City and County residents, but also has the potential to pull in tourism dollars and reduce congestion on some of the region’s busiest travel corridors. Imagine being able to bike to work or bringing the kids to a park without the need to get in a car. Imagine what a great sense of place and history is overgrown along the corridor. Imagine the opportunities along the route for new local businesses and employers that value assets like bike trails. And, of course, imagine this corridor connecting to the Livingston Ave. Bridge and points east. Imagine a fully off road connection between the Rensselaer plateau and the Pine Bush… or beyond.

Check out the project website, give your feedback, become a champion, and let’s keep this network moving.

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