Improvements at Albany’s waterfront could impact access to the future Livingston Avenue Bridge

Broadway and Church St. Albany. Is this a proper gateway?

How will implementation of bike and pedestrian improvements at the waterfront benefit connections to the Livingston Avenue Bridge? Come find out!

To start the implementation of the Corning Preserve Riverfront Master Plan, the City of Albany, in cooperation with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration is developing designs to enhance the connections between the Waterfront and the South End, Downtown and North Warehouse neighborhoods.

A public informational meeting will be held to discuss the proposed 1.2 mile Transportation Improvement Project along the Albany Waterfront/Corning Preserve Riverfront Park.



Date: Monday, June 23, 2014

Time: 5:30pm

Location: City Hall Rotunda, 24 Eagle Street

Is this a proper gateway to our city?

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